Feeling stressed and exhausted?
Take our free burnout test and find out what you should do to escape founder burnout.

The Need for Burnout Testing Grows
One-third of startup founders and entrepreneurs say they experience burnout and exhaustion, according to several studies. According to Sifted, a stunning 49% of founders even consider quitting their startup.
That means a lot of founders are not aware of the dangers of burnout until it is almost too late. Instead of letting pressure build too long, it’s better to check out where you stand and learn how to cope differently.
A burnout test will help you do that. And this test is adapted to founder and entrepreurial circumstances, so you will not have to fill out a generic test.
It is a bit more complicated than that. Burnout has several stages, each with their own symptoms and challenges. If you want to get proper advice on how to deal with your current situation, this test will help you to determine in what burnout stage you are and how to cope.
Yes, there is. But that definition is too general to use it as a means to determine if someone has burnout. There are also a lot of differences in the way (healthcare) professionals assess the syndrome. If you want to learn more about startup burnout, see this article.
No, this test is not scientifically validated but based on the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) developed in Belgium, which is.
Since this site is about preventing Startup Burnout, the test is adapted with descriptions and symptoms that apply to startup founders.
It is meant to give you a quick insight into your risk of burnout and to distinguish between the different stages of burnout. If you feel you are burning out, please see a doctor for medical advice and treatment.
Yes, this test is completely free.
Burnout is not a static phenomenon. As you adopt new coping strategies, you will notice changes in how you respond and feel. You might want to check in later and see if you have advanced to a different burnout stage.