Your Startup Burnout Test Result

Based on your answers, it looks like you are dealing with burnout!

Startup Burnout Stage 4

Startup Burnout comes in different stages. It seems that you have developed into the fourth stage of burnout.

You are experiencing mental and physical exhaustion and possibly even illness, like headaches and stomach problems.

Startup Burnout Test

How to recover from stage 4 burnout?

Feeling so low, looking after yourself might be one of the most difficult things to do. Even though you are burned out, you still want to work and keep the business going. But in order to save your business, you first need to save yourself.

The first step in the right direction is listening to your body and acknowledging your own needs.

For some, it means taking a full break from work for some time. But other startup founders and entrepreneurs might benefit more from working part-time and looking after themselves at the same time. A benefit to this approach is that you can learn the right coping strategies instead of ignoring your problems.

Get back on track with Curbn

In this stage there is no denying you need professional help. Talk to your doctor or see a therapist. According to research, Cognitive Based Therapy helps to recover from burnout.

Unfortunately, startup life is unlike other work-related work environments. So, if you would like to have some extra help escaping from this stage, join the Curbn Community. Or download the e-book ‘Escaping Founder Burnout‘. There is a discount code in your mailbox. 😊

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