The #1 cause of startup failure: Founder Burnout.
Being a startup founder is hard. No wonder almost half of all startup founders are thinking about quitting. One-third admit to having a burnout. But only secretly.
Stop exhaustion, boost productivity
Long before you feel exhausted, burnout is screwing up your productivity and the quality of your work.
You can stop that, but only if you own up to the truth and start acting.
Make protecting your mental health your top priority. Learn how to stop founder burnout, build your energy, and improve your productivity.
Stop burnout before it stops you.
Learn to recognize the symptoms of startup burnout and how to respond.
Combine the right habits…
Ignore hustle culture and learn how to pause before you push harder. The ebook ‘Escaping Founder Burnout’ covers how your brain stricks you into exhausting yourself and shows you what habits you need to curb. Follow the strategies to break free from the trap.
With the Best Productivity Hacks
The 50x Smarter online courses are developed especially for founders who want to boost their productivity and curb their stress.
Learn how to work smarter with your favorite tools and say goodbye to brain fog.
Spend 15 minutes a day to make change happen
We know you are busy. So we made the courses short and doable.
“The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices” ― Darren Hardy
Start with small daily actions that change your life and business one step at a time.
Get inspired
Are you a founder or working for a startup? Read what you can do to increase your productivity, improve your time management skills and speed up your journey to success.
Inbox Zero: Unnecessary or Invaluable?
A lot is being said about Inbox Zero. Some say it’s a waste of time, but could it be the one productivity hack you need?
Startup Burnout: How to Prevent It
The danger of startup burnout is real. But there are ways to prevent it, and it doesn’t have to be difficult.
What you need to know about Founder Burnout Stages
The road to burnout is long and starts well before you feel exhausted. Read about the stages of Founder Burnout and how to recognize them.