Startup Burnout: How to Prevent It

Startup burnout is more common than you might think. According to a survey by Startup Snapshot, at least 36% of startup founders say they are burning out. On the other hand, preventing startup burnout might be a lot easier, too. But only if you take the right action at the right moment. Here are 6 ways of getting out of the danger zone.

Prevent startup burnout by staying energized
Photo by Antony Fomin via Unsplah

Recognizing the startup burnout stages

It all starts with realizing that startup burnout consists of multiple stages, starting with extreme optimism and unbridled energy, leading to downright exhaustion and depression. Read our article on the burnout stages or the Ultimate Guide to Founder Burnout to learn more.

Every stage has its own pitfalls and behavioral patterns to watch out for. Most startup founders will recognize the signs from burnout stages 2 and 3, where stress is messing up their focus and productivity. It’s in these early stages where you need to take action.

The best way to prevent startup burnout is to change your response into a better one. What’s more, by learning better coping strategies, you will actually increase your productivity and build faster.

Curbing Your Drive Means Curbing Startup Burnout

As I said, those early stages are not easily recognized as part of burnout. And one of the biggest dangers is usually seen as the biggest virtue of all: working hard.

Well, you might not even see building your startup as work, especially if you are side-building. Still, all those hours behind your computer will deplete your energy and increase the odds you will develop startup burnout.

So, it is key to curb your drive and stop your passion from pushing you too far and exhausting you. The smartest startup founders develop a routine that helps them stay motivated and energized. Here’s how to do that:

1. Prioritize Recharging over Work

You might want to go fast and think the fastest way is to put in long hours. But investing in sleep and relaxation will only make you go faster. So know when to call it a day and make time for those activities.

Being a little lazy will help you build your startup faster

2. Play Together

You know what they say: work hard and play hard. But when building your business, you will feel the pull of work and most likely decline a lot of invitations. You should be aware that going solo – in a social context – has a negative impact on your mental health.

If you want to prevent startup burnout, it’s better to engage in social activities and hang out with your friends and family. It will nurture your soul and help you lift your spirits. Many founders who suffered from startup burnout confess that this was one of the things they avoided. Looking back, they definitely regret it.

3. Take care of both your mind and your body

Both your mind and your body are crucial for the success of your startup. The best way to take care of them is to exercise, as it works wonders for both. If you feel you absolutely don’t have time for that, you might want to realize that even a short workout will fire up your dopamine levels and thus your productivity.

Handling Stress Stops Startup Burnout

Stages 2 and 3 come with a lack of focus, decreased quality of sleep, and decision paralysis. These startup burnout symptoms are fueled by stress. Here’s how to deal with it:

Prevent startup burnout with a to-do list
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

4. Use a To-Do List

When stress hits, it becomes even more difficult to focus and be productive. This becomes even more difficult if you need to decide on the spot how to spend your time. There are too many things that need to be done and choice paralysis kicks in.

The best way to help you focus on your priorities is to decide what to work on in advance and simply use a to-do list.

As a bonus, checking off items will activate your reward system, which in turn helps you to relax and stay hopeful.

5. Fix Your Sleep

In this case, it’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality as well.
What will aid you here, is developing a good bedtime routine. It includes not using any devices at least an hour before bed, turning the lights low and spending time outside in the sun. Working out also helps to improve your sleep, but avoid working out late at night as higher adrenaline levels might keep you awake.

Taking Care of You and Your Business

Ultimately, preventing startup burnout comes down to prioritizing the right stuff. Make sure you are energized as it will help you stay focused and handle the stress better. In order to do that, you’ll need to curb your desire to work and realize that taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your business. Or maybe I should say: taking care of yourself is taking care of your business.

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