Inbox Zero: Unnecessary or Invaluable?
A lot is being said about Inbox Zero. Some say it’s a waste of time, but could it be the one productivity hack you need?
Startup Burnout: How to Prevent It
The danger of startup burnout is real. But there are ways to prevent it, and it doesn’t have to be difficult.
What you need to know about Founder Burnout Stages
The road to burnout is long and starts well before you feel exhausted. Read about the stages of Founder Burnout and how to recognize them.
6 founder burnout symptoms you probably won’t recognize
Founder Burnout can be hard to recognize. These activities are actually not just a sign you are motivated, but founder burnout symptoms.
Founder Burnout: The Ultimate Guide
Founder Burnout is one of the most underestimated risks for startups. The problem? It’s hard to spot until it’s too late. Until now.
4 ways to keep your focus on iPhone
As a startup founder, you want to focus on building your business. But what to do when your iPhone keeps distracting you? Here are 4 easy ways to regain your focus.
Why Sleep Deprivation Is a Problem for Founders
As a founder, time is never on your hand. For many, working late at night looks like the smart thing to do, causing sleep deprivation. Here’s why that is a bad thing.
Founders habits: how to make your resolutions stick in 2024
Are you planning on becoming the perfect startup founder in 2022? Learn how to make the most of those New Year’s Resolutions.
How to Create Mailbox Zero
An organized mailbox isn’t just a nice-to-have. It helps you to be more productive. Here’s how to get back in control.
How to avoid the founder trap
When your startup grows, you have to grow too. Learn how your role changes and how to avoid the founder’s trap.
Keeping your Startup Team Informed
No matter how small your startup team is, keeping everybody in the loop is of the upmost importance.
Here’s one way of doing that.
Stress: why you should embrace it, instead of avoiding it
Stress has a really bad reputation. It can harm your health and business if you let it. But there is more to the story than that. Find out how stress will help you thrive.